I was first diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) in 2007-2008 with my first pregnancy. Unfortunately, I didn’t have all the resources I do now or the knowledge of what to expect.

Due to HG and ptyalism, I couldn’t keep food nor water down. I suffered from heart palpitations throughout the pregnancy due to a heart murmur I’ve had since birth, and I lost 20lbs in my first trimester and gained it back towards the end of my second trimester. Going to see a cardiologist, obstetrician, high risk obstetrician, and my PCP was my life. Then at 27 weeks, I was placed on bed rest and hospitalized due to problems with my medication. I was stabilized and able to eat on a bland diet.
Due to protein in my urine and preeclampsia, I was induced at 31 weeks. I gave birth to my first daughter, Trinity by c-section in 2008. She weighed 2lbs 7oz and has had some minor developmental delays throughout her life. But she is now an amazing 13 year old in 7th grade.

I am now 40 years old and carrying my second daughter and experiencing HG and ptyalism again. As much as I would’ve loved a healthy pregnancy, this second experience with HG has been rough. I am taking Zofran and baby aspirin to help prevent preeclampsia. I also contracted COVID-19 at 15 weeks and had sinus congestion, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, and vomiting. My COVID-19 symptoms lasted almost a month. I’m also experiencing heart blockage associated with my heart murmur. And since my second trimester, I’ve had severe swelling to my legs, ankles, and feet. This has cause tender pain to those areas.
Again, I am seeing many doctors, but my health care team has been great. Besides essential outings and appointments, I’m at home until I give birth. I’m now 24 weeks (when I wrote this), and praying for the remaining weeks to be healthy.