Moms and kids

Finding others who understand the challenges of HG is becoming easier as the number of support options is growing. HER Foundation adds groups periodically, so check our group page. If you find a group we should add, e-mail us the contact information at

HER Foundation Support Groups

HER HG Community Engagement Platform

This community allows us to join together on a social-media-free platform to connect and support one another. Join the HER HG Community Engagement Platform today! See what the platform has to offer!

Supporting a loved one through HG? Join our Caregivers Support Group to connect with a community of understanding and shared experiences.

HER Facebook Groups

Be sure to answer the questions when requesting to join HER Facebook groups.

Peer Volunteers

If you are currently suffering with HG, find support from someone who understands. HER volunteers offer social support and can direct you to HG resources. Our Peer Support Volunteers are not medical professionals; they are HG survivors who want to make sure no one else ever feels alone during HG. Using text messaging and phone calls, talk with someone who understands

Find a Professional


Support for High-Risk Pregnancies

Maternal Mental Health

Loss Support

An important part of healing after loss is talking with others who understand the pain. In addition to HER’s loss support resources, we offer this list of organizations with online support. We do not endorse any of these sites but provide them as a courtesy to you. Please check all information in depth before making any decisions. If you would like to share your recommendations, please email them to us.

Therapeutic Termination

  • Shadowlands
    No longer active, but a place to read others’ stories who have made the heartbreaking decision to terminate wanted pregnancies because of HG.
  • Maternal Health Complications/Post Abortion Stress Syndrome
    No longer active, but a place to read information and support for those who terminated their pregnancy due to HG or other medical complications.


General Support for Mothers

** The HER Foundation does not endorse organizations unless they are affiliated with the HER Foundation. HER is not responsible for any suggestions or information given by anyone at these sites. We strongly encourage you to seek the advice of your health professional prior to making any changes to your care or routine.