The Hyperemesis Education and Research Foundation's mission is to provide Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) support, advocacy, education, and research to improve treatment and outcomes.
The HER Foundation is the global voice of HG and endeavors to achieve the following:
- Minimize suffering and complications via education and awareness.
- Eradicate morbidity and mortality due to inadequate/ineffective treatment.
- Improve outcomes through family support and advocacy.
- Promote standardized assessment and treatment to ensure consistent care.
- Raise awareness to increase support and access to effective care.
- Educate practitioners and caregivers on management and coping.
- Expand HG education and awareness among clinicians.
- Publish clinically relevant research to effect progress.
- Fundraise for research, awareness, and educational projects.
- Expand and validate tools for improved diagnosis and management globally.

HER Foundation Research Priorities
Publications & Projects
- Assessment forms for health professionals
- Multilingual brochures
- Continuing Education for nurses
- Side-effects & effectiveness of meds
- Patient perceptions of prenatal care with/without HG
- Improve accuracy of general population books on pregnancy
- Protocol for nutritional supplementation (criteria, duration)
- Health professional attitudes & beliefs about HG
- HG management
- HG treatment protocol
- Survey Research Summaries
- HG & Foundation Awareness
- HG Symposium to link/educate health professionals & patients
- Abnormal outcomes Database (Maternal & Fetal)
- Education of societies and professionals on management