HER’s All-Inclusive HG Community Engagement Platform

The HER Foundation proudly introduces its Community Engagement Platform, a revolutionary space designed exclusively for the Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Community. This platform aims to bring together individuals facing the challenges…

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today show with dr fejzo, aijia grammar, and maria shriver

Today Show Segment feat. Dr. Fejzo, Aijia Grammer, & Maria Shriver

Dr. Marlena Fejzo and a member of our ambassador council, Aijia Grammer, were interviewed by Maria Shriver on the Today Show about hyperemesis gravidarum. HG Survivors unite for awareness, change,…

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HER Foundation in National Geographic

National Geographic mentioned the HER Foundation and its board members, Kimber MacGibbon, RN, Dr. Marlena Fejzo, and Dr. Aimee Brecht-Doscher, in their article, “We finally know the cause of severe…

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Navigating Parenting with HG

Parenthood transforms with joy, challenges, and unexpected twists. When HG enters the picture, it adds an extra complexity for both moms and their partners. Coping with severe nausea and vomiting…

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Marlena Fejzo, PhD, working in the lab

The cause of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) has been found, and it’s not hCG!

A new study published in Nature reveals abnormally high levels of the hormone GDF15, and increased sensitivity to it, are the major factors contributing to HG. The most severe form…

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Celebrating the Holidays with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

Holidays are typically a time for joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for those suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) during pregnancy, the festive season can be particularly challenging. HG is characterized…

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Twin Premature babies

KS’s HG Reality

When the Doctor Becomes the Patient Severe hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) requiring hospitalization typically occurs in up to 3% of pregnancies. But sadly, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding…

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Jessica’s HG Reality

In May 2018, my husband and I finally received a positive pregnancy test result. We were thrilled and decided to wait until Mother’s Day to tell our parents. However, my…

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Breastfeeding After HG: Resources to Be Informed and Prepared

For some, breastfeeding can be both an easy choice and a smooth experience. For others, however, there can be many challenges. After surviving hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and other related complications of pregnancy,…

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Marissa’s HG Reality

I had HG in all three pregnancies and now have chronic anxiety and was diagnosed with PMADs.

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