At 10 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) for the first time in 2010. I had HG in all three pregnancies and now have a mental health diagnosis, chronic anxiety. I also experienced premature delivery, blown ear drums with hearing issues, severe dental damage, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), hypotension, dysautonomia, cardiac complications, and PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety disorders).
HG complications and mental health

During my last pregnancy, I was diagnosed with POTS due to HG. I needed CT scans, EKGs, and x-rays of my chest wall because I was in tachycardia from week 8. Finally, at week 13, I fainted from the weakness and HG. They rushed me to the hospital via ambulance where they thought I was having blood clots due to my low saturation and high heart rate.
I was admitted for a week until my OBGYN, high-risk doctor from maternal and fetal, and cardiologist came up with a plan to place me on medication to help my heart.
I could no longer walk, use the bathroom, or shower on my own. I had to get adult diapers, and my home nurse and mother had to care for me, shower me, and take care of my 2 other kids.
Recovery and physical therapy
I could not talk or think, and at this point, my brain was slowing down, and I couldn’t make decisions for myself. They recommended to start physical therapy to recondition my body and heart. At one point, I wanted to have an abortion. I was hallucinating. I was suicidal. I cried in agony. I was starving and felt as if I were going to die. I didn’t want to wake up, and I had no awareness of what was going on around me anymore.
Slowly I started to stand, walk, and do self-care after months of PT. It was not easy. Many moments, I wanted to give up. Other moments, I thought I would go into cardiac arrest or just not wake up. Waking up every day was more frightening than being asleep. I was scared for my children and upset I couldn’t care for them. I didn’t want them to see me in this condition. But with help from my mother and husband, and keeping faith, I came back to my life. I was able to survive.
I support the HER Foundation because they educated me about HG and taught me the importance of taking thiamin, gave me information and resources I could share with my medical team, and helped support me. Mothers are still dying due to HG and need help. Babies are not surviving. We need more medical education, more research, and more resources to help mothers.

How you can help
- Participate in HG research.
- Become an advocate.
- Make a gift to the HER Foundation.
- Share your story.
- Support other HG moms.
- Become a HER Foundation volunteer.
- Blog about HG and show support for HER.
- Share HER resources with local health professionals and hospitals.
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