Thank you, Shola, for sharing your HG Impact story!
I first saw an OB at the ER when I experienced bleeding. I was pregnant with twins and told I was experiencing a threatened miscarriage.
I lost one of my twins and then the sickness came. My family doctor diagnosed me with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) after I reported extreme nausea and sickness but gave no support whatsoever. The biggest challenge was not getting the care I needed immediately. I shouldn’t have to beg for help.
With it being a pandemic, a lot of what I experienced was by myself. When I finally got registered with an OB, I was told about at home care with a nurse. The best care came from IV fluids and with zofran. It was the only thing that would ease the pain and frustration of not being able to eat.

Then I got COVID-19 and was hospitalized for a few days. My chest was on fire, and I was unable to eat. I was single and by myself and started to suffer from depression. It wasn’t until I was seven and a half months pregnant that I was able to get a midwife, and my card changed completely.
I was seen and heard and had such a beautiful and peaceful at home water birth for my son.
I felt depressed a lot because I was dealing with my sickness by myself, but I was able to find an online support system through the HER Foundation and meet other women experiencing the same difficulties. I did not feel alone.

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