Hyperemesis sypmtoms can vary from patient to patient. When is it time to call your doctor and/or go to the hospital?
- Abdominal pain, bleeding, or cramping
- Difficulty thinking or focusing
- Difficulty walking or talking
- Extreme fatigue and very low energy
- Little if any food or fluids stay down for 24+ hours
- Little saliva and a dry mouth
- Moderate or severe headache and/or fever
- Muscular weakness or severe cramping
- Repeated vomiting or retching daily
- Severe nausea prevents eating for 2+ days
- Shortness of breath or dizziness
- Urination is infrequent (≤ 3 times/day) and minimal amount
- Urine is dark yellow and concentrated
- Visual disturbances, or fainting
- Vomit is bright red with blood (or looks like coffee grounds)
- Loss of 2 pounds (0.9 kg) or more in a week