Join the HG Challenge and educate providers in your area.

We are often asked why doctors don’t know more about treating Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) and to send all OB/Gyns information. We have multiple programs that reach out to providers at conferences, on social media, and through our Referral Network. But taking a packet to a hospital, clinic, or practice with your personal story and passion will make a difference.
How to participate:
- Order your Provider Packets ($7/packet + $6 shipping), and consider a donation to help fund packets sent to those who can’t afford to pay. Alternatively, print our tools from our site.
- Consider buying a tee from the HER Store to show off your #HGstyle!
- Select the hospital, clinic, or provider.
- Set up a time you can visit the office in May (you may need to call ahead).
- Put on your awareness tee and awareness mask.
- When you arrive, introduce yourself, share that you are an HG survivor, and say that for HG Awareness Month, you want to give the provider a packet of resources to make treating Hyperemesis Gravidarum easier.
- Be sure to tag us in the pictures when you deliver your Packets, so we can map the education across the globe! May 30th is HG Challenge Pic Day!