
Raise Your Voice for HER!


It is hard enough to have a successful pregnancy under normal conditions. Now our hospitals are jammed, chaotic, and operating in a different mode. Yet, there is always hope for moms with HG, and that is why we ask for your support as we work to bring focused education and resources to those women who need it during a highly stressful time. We are here for women regardless of what is going on around the world.

During this uncertain time  funding has been very minimal yet our work continues unabated. COVID-19 might push us around a bit, but it won’t keep us DOWN. We can continue our mission with your help. We will Raise Your Voice!

Please help us launch our new mobile-friendly site, continue advocacy and support, and many other educational and research projects. This means more moms will get better care in 2020 and beyond! 

Our mission is to find a cure for hyperemesis and its complications through advanced research, offer education and support to those seeking effective management strategies for hyperemesis, and provide information on new resources and treatment options as they become available.

HER Foundation EIN: 71-0912435

HG Mom Stories

We Are HER: Jayde

Knuckling my HG experiences down to a few words is really hard. The first thing that comes to mind is how angry, withdrawn, and frustrated I was. Weeks and weeks…

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Believe in HER: Jaimi-lee

I have had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) five times and have two beautiful little boys. The first HG pregnancy was the hardest, most confusing time of my life. A week after…

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Come Home to HER: Mariane!

Tube feeding can help prevent malnutrition during hyperemesis gravidarum.

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headshot of Kimber MacGibbon

When What Seems Like A Mess Becomes Your Mission

The HER Foundation began after my first pregnancy. I started having increasing nausea and vomiting a few weeks after our honeymoon that I thought was due to a stomach ulcer…

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Come Home to HER: Eliana

I was sitting on the floor at the foot of my bed. I kind of knew how I got there, but it was a bit fuzzy. Each time I tried…

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Come Home to HER: Suzanne

It was January 1999, and I was 13 weeks pregnant hooked to an IV in the Emergency Room. Since violently vomiting Thanksgiving dinner, I had barely kept anything down. The ER…

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LaLanne’s Thoughts

“Making the journey across country to meet my fellow HG survivors was something I had to do. Hearing similar survival stories from other HG moms and their supportive HG dads…

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