Other Presentations & Papers

- Pregnant, Miserable, and Starving in 21st Century America
--AJOG Clinical Opinion, 2022 - HyperEmesis Level Prediction (HELP Score) Identifies Patients
with Indicators of Severe Disease: a Validation Study
-- Geburtsh Frauenheilk, 2021 (German & English) - A patient–clinician James Lind Alliance partnership to identify research priorities for hyperemesis gravidarum
-- BMJ, 2020 - Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum
-- NATURE REVIEWS | Disease Primers, 2019 (Supplemental material; poster) - Performance of iPhone Hyperemesis Gravidarum Care App
-- J Clinical Case Rep Case Studies, 2019 - SMFM 2019 Genetics Poster
- Research Presentation Poster:
Symptomatology and Outcomes of Women with HG as Reported in a Large Registry - Research Presentation Poster:
Familial Aggregation of HG - Research Presentation Poster:
Voluntary Termination in a Large Cohort of Women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum - Research Presentation Poster:
Secular Trends in the Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum - Research Presentation Poster:
Extreme Weight Loss and Extended Duration of Symptoms Common in Hyperemesis Gravidarum
HER Foundation Research

Although hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) affects at least 6 million pregnancies annually across the globe, the interest and funding for HG research is very small. HER has been collaborating with the world's leading researcher, Dr. Marlena Fejzo since 2001 and received only community and private funding for many studies. We collaborate with experts from universities beyond the US and are the leading research team for HG with many groundbreaking studies including finding the first causes of HG, your genes!
First we found the gene,
Then we found the mutation,
Now we found the mechanism,
Help us find the cure!
Donate to HER.
Together, we can make HG history!