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May 6, 2024
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Today is National Nurse’s Day! Nurses and midwives play a crucial role in the care of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) patients. Thank you for your dedication and compassion! Have a nurse or midwife who deserves recognition? Recommend them for our referral network!

#HG #NurseAppreciation #MidwifeLove





At least 1 million women are estimated to suffer from a serious pregnancy disease each year that takes the lives of thousands of babies (and some mothers) due to chronic malnutrition and dehydration from debilitating nausea and vomiting. The disease known as HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) is often misunderstood, unrecognized or assumed to be psychological, and thus is inadequately treated. This means women suffer to the point of being traumatized, choosing therapeutic termination, or having serious short and long-term health issues. The children, too often, are affected as well. With proper treatment, most issues can be minimized or prevented, and the impact can be reduced. Be HG aware, educate others, and donate to support education and research (HG research rarely gets grant funding!!).

*HG: hyperemesis gravidarum (hyper = excessive, emesis = vomiting, gravidarum = in pregnancy)

**Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the mom-to-be and the newborn(s).


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