HG Awareness Day
May 01, 2021
- Start:
- May 1, 2021
- End:
- May 31, 2021
- Event Categories:
- Awareness Day, HER Event
- Event Tags:
- education, EmbarazoHG, HERFoundation, HGAD21, HGAM21, HGaware, hgawareness, HGtruths, hyperemesis education, hyperemesis gravidarum, pregnancy, research
Join the HER Foundation as we shed light on HG Truths all month long.
- SHARE your HG story.
- MEET other HG survivors on Zoom.
- FUNDRAISE for HG education & research.
- CHOOSE a Facebook frame for your profile. Search frames: hyperemesis HER Foundation.
- INVITE others to follow the HER Foundation and learn more about HG.
- DONATE to the HER Foundation.
- USE the hashtags on your social: #HGAM21 #HGAD21 #HGtruths
- Order a 1 MOM tee.
2021 HG Challenge
Global HG Chats on Zoom
Twitter Chat – May 14, 4 PM Eastern
Sunday Lives at 5 PM Pacific
Host a fundraiser for the HER Foundation on Facebook, Instagram, or in your local community.
Give 2 HER and support our mission to support, educate, research, and advocate for families facing HG. Please consider a recurring monthly donation.
Tell your HG Truths in a video or writing. Share the facts. One voice. One story. YOUR story may be all it takes for someone to receive the help they need.
Respond to HER social media by reacting, commenting, and sharing. The more you engage, the further the reach of our HG awareness content: Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube LinkedIn.
Unite with HGers across the globe in HG Chats on Zoom: we’re cohosting chats on every continent except Antarctica. Watch social for dates and times.
Tag friends and family on HER social media, so they can learn about HG. Remember to follow the Facebook event, so you don’t miss anything!
Help educate in the HG Challenge by sharing a Provider Packet with a maternal health provider in your area.
Share the reality about HG with a pic in your tougHGirls of HG tee or pictures and stories from your experience.
At least 1 million women are estimated to suffer from a serious pregnancy disease each year that takes the lives of thousands of babies (and some mothers) due to chronic malnutrition and dehydration from debilitating nausea and vomiting. The disease known as HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) is often misunderstood, unrecognized or assumed to be psychological, and thus is inadequately treated. This means women suffer to the point of being traumatized, choosing therapeutic termination, or having serious short and long-term health issues. The children too often are affected as well. With proper treatment, most issues can be minimized or prevented, and the 1 in 3 loss rate is reduced. Be HG aware and educate others, donate to support education and research (HG research rarely gets grant funding!!), and show love to an HG mother today!
* HG: hyperemesis gravidarum (hyper = excessive, emesis = vomiting, gravidarum = in pregnancy)
** Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the mom-to-be and the newborn(s).