Our team recently had the opportunity to attend the CREOG/APGO conference. We aimed to raise awareness and share valuable insights about Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) with obstetricians (OBs), residents, program directors,…
Read MoreTIME named Dr. Marlena Fejzo to its annual TIME Women of the Year list, recognizing extraordinary leaders fighting for a more equal world. Read more about Dr. Fejzo’s journey: “HER…
Read MoreDr. Marlena Fejzo and a member of our ambassador council, Aijia Grammer, were interviewed by Maria Shriver on the Today Show about hyperemesis gravidarum. HG Survivors unite for awareness, change,…
Read MoreNational Geographic mentioned the HER Foundation and its board members, Kimber MacGibbon, RN, Dr. Marlena Fejzo, and Dr. Aimee Brecht-Doscher, in their article, “We finally know the cause of severe…
Read MoreParenthood transforms with joy, challenges, and unexpected twists. When HG enters the picture, it adds an extra complexity for both moms and their partners. Coping with severe nausea and vomiting…
Read MoreA new study published in Nature reveals abnormally high levels of the hormone GDF15, and increased sensitivity to it, are the major factors contributing to HG. The most severe form…
Read MoreThe HER Foundation invites you to be part of the fun on Funny Fridays throughout May! We all know the crazy things that happen during HG! We invite you to take your favorite kid pictures and make them into HG memes.
Read MoreMay 15th is International HG Awareness Day, and the international HG community has chosen the theme: HG Reality. You can help the HER Foundation raise awareness and educate about your HG Reality!
Read MoreHyperemsis Gravidarum patients have significantly increased risk of maternal mental health diagnosis secondary to HG:
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