Untitled design (20)

Maria and her twins died of complications of hyperemesis gravidarum. Maria's death was preventable. We honor their memory as we launch our new, collaborative intiative, 1 MOM is 2 Many.


1 MOM is 2 Many seeks to eradicate preventable maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity due to HG by driving change in maternal health policy. Take action today.

Video of Jessica

Video of you about the case study and malnutrion - maybe an Aspen video?

Video of Intan about her Wernicke's

Video of a mom reacting to Maria's death...the best one we get.

where we have HER audiences, I foresee:

voices, complications, donate, blog, partnerships, policy, take action

slide show font needs work as does layout of slide.

what if they were longer and maria were centered? or the slides and Maria were side by side is the other thing I checked. But to reduce words on the page, a slide show of the complications for sure.