We put together this list of highlights from 2021! These are some of the people, the work, and the campaigns that made this HER’s best year yet! We are making Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) progress!
Ambassador Council
Our Ambassadors bring influencers and celebrities to #TeamHER. These storytellers promote HG awareness and give a voice to those who may not feel heard during HG. Our community is stronger because of them.
HG Awareness Month
HG Awareness Month (May) was a record breaker. We had more community involvement than ever before, and #HGtruths were shared across the globe! Our message is being heard, and our community is growing.
Maria’s Day
November 25th, we honored Maria, a mom who died of preventable complications of HG. Many shared their 1 MOM picture with their index finger in the air because 1 Morbidity Or Mortality is 2 Many! Engagement with other maternal health organizations was strong and included 2020 Mom, March for Moms, MMHLA, and 4Kira4Moms. Our goal to eradicate severe HG and its complications is making progress.
HER is finding answers to questions about HG. 2021 has been a busy year in HER research. We had two papers published and gave two presentations. We also have two papers under review in scientific journals and two abstracts being reviewed for presentation at ACOG. We also kicked-off three studies: two focused on GDF15, a hormone that is made by the placenta and causes nausea and vomiting, and one examining HG treatment and outcomes by socio-economic status. Ongoing research includes the trends in cannabis use for HG and our analysis of whole-exome sequencing data in 926 HG cases and 661 controls.
New Tools
HER introduced new tools to improve education and treatment including the Patient Treatment Brochure that explains HG care priorities to mothers and families. We also updated our very popular HG Treatment Algorithm with additional guidance and information for clinicians.
International Partnerships
Our global partnerships continued to thrive in 2021. One highlight was our invitation to participate in the webinar, “Impact of COVID-19 and Women’s Health Challenges and Lessons” hosted by our 1 MOM is 2 Many partner, African Health Now along with experts from Every Mother Counts and New York healthcare services. We also continue to develop our connections with Action on Preeclampsia Ghana, San Diego International Birthing Project, and our MoMMA’s Voices partners.
Director of Business Development
We hired our third staff member, Angela McClain, who brings twenty years of experience in business development to our team. She will be focused on strengthening our infrastructure and developing funding streams to sustain our mission for years to come.
Thank you for being part of HER’s future success in eradicating severe HG and adverse outcomes.
- Participate in HG research.
- Become an advocate.
- Make a gift to the HER Foundation.
- Share your story and support other HG moms.
- Become a HER Foundation volunteer.
- Blog about HG and show support for HER.
- Share resources with local health professionals and hospitals.