This is my third pregnancy and my second time dealing with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). My first pregnancy, while challenging with nausea and sickness lasting about a month, never truly crossed into HG territory.

The Nightmare of My Second Pregnancy
My second pregnancy was horrible. I lost almost 30 pounds, was hospitalized three times, and had to rely heavily on family support. My mom came to live with us for a month, and my mother-in-law stayed for another month. At the time, we were living overseas, so it was no small favor to ask them to uproot their lives to help. I will never stop being grateful for the sacrifices they made to help care for my oldest son.
Despite the misery, my second boy was born in January 2023, weighing 8 pounds and as healthy as can be. He was a blessing at the end of such a difficult journey.
The Unexpected Challenge of My Pregnancy
This pregnancy came as a bit of a surprise, and we found out super early. The nausea started only 12 days after I learned I was pregnant, and it hasn’t let up since. I’ve already lost 15 pounds, and I’m only 10 weeks along.
Thankfully, we moved back to my home country earlier this year, and now I have the support of my parents, sister, cousins, and aunts. They’ve all stepped in to help with my kids and to support me through my sickness. The doctors here have been incredibly kind and responsive, reacting quickly when I first showed symptoms.

A Message to HG Moms: Grace and Self-Care
I love my kids, and I will love this new baby with all my heart. I would do anything for them. But I want to remind other HG moms that loving and caring for your children also means loving and caring for yourself.
I often forget this myself. I get overwhelmed by the idea that pregnancy should be a beautiful, blessed experience. But for those of us battling HG, it isn’t. It’s not what we imagined. It’s not what we expected. And that’s okay.
It’s okay to grieve the pregnancy experience we wanted but didn’t get. It’s okay to give ourselves grace and forgiveness. It’s okay to feel how we feel and to never feel guilty for not enjoying this, for being angry, or for being upset.
Your Journey, Your Strength
This is our journey, and no one else’s. We deal with it the best way we can—the way that works best for us. Remember: you’re doing your best, and that’s enough.
~ Michelle, Guatemala