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November 25, 2021
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Honor Maria by participating in November 25th’s I am 1 MOM event. Maria’s voice was silenced due to preventable complications of HG, and we all must be a voice for her. No mother should be silenced by HG!

You can help create change by being a voice for Maria. Share a selfie with your right index finger in the air to indicate 1 MOM is 2 Many to die.

  • I’m raising my voice to honor Maria.
  • #1MOMis2Many to die.
  • #Iam1MOM who will speak for Maria.
  • #Iam1MOM who was not believed.
  • #Iam1MOM with a preventable complication from HG (state complication).
  • Maria’s voice was silenced due to preventable complications of HG, so we all must be a voice for her.

Be sure to tag @1MOMis2Many and HER Foundation (@HGmoms). Use these tags: #MariasVoice #Isupport1MOM #Iam1Mom #1MOMis2Many #HGaware

Donating to the HER Foundation’s 1 MOM is 2 Many campaign.