HER Foundation research finds a high loss rate among mothers with HG. Besides the many financial, social, and personal losses, there is the loss of life. Over 10% of HG pregnancies are terminated (HER FRS) and thousands more mothers consider it. Still more deal with miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal loss. While rare, mothers still die each year due to organ failure secondary to HG.
The grief is great and can have a lasting impact on families. This page is a resource for those dealing with the many losses of HG. We encourage you to talk with others with HG and seek professional help if needed.
Grief Resources and Support

Symptoms of Normal Grief
Physical Sensations
- Tightness in chest
- Tightness in throat
- Oversensitivity to noise
- Depersonalization
- Breathlessness
- Headaches
- Weakness in muscles
- Lack of energy
- Dry mouth
- Trouble swallowing
- Hollowness in the stomach
- Sighing
- Sleep problems
- No appetite
- Forgetfulness
- Social withdrawals
- Dreams of deceased
- Avoidance of reminders
- Calling out
- Restless Activity
- Crying
- Clinging to reminders
- Treasuring objects
- Sadness
- Anger
- Guilt
- Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Fatigue
- Helplessness
- Shock
- Yearning
- Numbness
- Relief
- Disbelief
- Confusion
- Pre-occupation
- Sense of presence
- Hearing and seeing the deceased
Other Loss Support Resources
An important part of healing after loss is talking with others who understand the pain. In addition to HER’s loss support resources, we offer this list of organizations with online support. We do not endorse any of these sites but provide them as a courtesy to you. Please check all information in depth before making any decisions. If you would like to share your recommendations, please email them to us.