As an emergency physician, Dr. Andrew Housholder, MD, sees people on some of their worst days. He always has an eye out for how to deliver patient care better, and he quickly recognized the problems with the availability of treatment options for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (aka morning sickness) and hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in Birmingham. It was either a trip to the ER or continue to be miserable.
Dr. Housholder recognized that very few people have access to safe, physician-guided treatment with intravenous fluids for moderate to severe morning sickness and HG. “You can get many medications for nausea from your obstetricians, but OB clinics aren’t set up for IV fluid infusions to rehydrate patients. That’s where The Morning Sickness Clinic comes in. We focus on one thing, and that’s safe, convenient care for pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting.”