HG baby


Calling HG morning sickness is like calling a hurricane a little rain.
Jeremy King, Co-founder of HER Foundation.

HG is much more than morning sickness: HG DEBILITATES. 

HG causes dehydration and malnutrition which means IV’s are often needed, and home health care may be needed once a woman is out of the hospital.

HG is very isolating and changes how you are able to communicate with family and friends.

The cost of an HG pregnancy and the constant care you need(ed) should be highlighted. When sharing your story, mention how many times you were at the ER or hospital during your pregnancy, and the many ways it cost your family.

No one should endure HG without the support of someone who had endured it as well because no one else can truly understand. Finding the HER Foundation is important. (When being interviewed, be sure the reporter links Hyperemesis.org.)

HG robs you of the happy, healthy, fun pregnancy you dreamed of and may increase the risk of complications for mother and child.

HG turns pregnancy into a nightmare and turns your life upside down. The once vibrant, fun, positive, smart lady you were before HG can’t exist during pregnancy.

Many women are unable to work, and this means they lose their jobs. They may have to quit school and be unable to care for their family or even themselves.

Once the baby is born, many women want to forget what they have endured, but by forgetting, no progress can be made in education and research, which is why you want to increase awareness with your story.

More research and education is needed and HER continues to research but funding is extremely limited.

What is HG? HG is hyperemesis gravidarum: a potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease that causes chronic malnutrition, dehydration, and debility due to severe nausea and vomiting, and may cause long-term health issues for mom/baby.


HG was 10 unbearable weeks of constant suffering, horrifying for me, horrifying for my family, and deadly for my innocent, unborn child. When I recovered, I was shocked to learn that there was so little scientific research on HG, and there and then, decided to devote my life to studying HG.

Marlena Fejzo, HER Research Advisor | HG survivor

Woman with feeding tube

Refer reporters and all interested in learning more about HG to the HER Foundation website: www.hyperemesis.org.

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)?

HG is hyperemesis gravidarum: a potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease that may cause weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration, and debility due to severe nausea and vomiting, and may cause long-term health issues for mom and baby.

Comparison of Morning Sickness and HG

Area Impacted:Hyperemesis Gravidarum:Morning Sickness:
EmploymentOften are unable to work for weeks or months and may lose their job or be forced to resign.May lose up to a month of employment, work part-time and/or use sick time. Job performance may be reduced.
Daily ActivitiesMay be unable to perform even simple household chores or care for themselves (shower, drive, etc.) when symptoms are severe.Can perform most necessary responsibilities at some point during the day or week when symptoms are less intense.
Energy LevelFatigue may be severe for weeks or months. Bed rest is often a necessity. Prolonged fatigue is very common.Fatigue is mild to moderate and decreases workload. Rest is needed to alleviate symptoms.
Relationships & SocializationRelationships are often greatly strained and may dissolve. Isolation is common and may lead to depression. Abuse and neglect of the mother may occur.Relationships may be stressed but social functioning is only temporarily reduced.
FinancesFinancial loss due to medical care, loss of income, and additional paid services (child care) can be devastating.Financial loss due to medical care, loss of work, and use of sick time is significant, but usually manageable.
Stress LevelPsychological stress is typically moderate to severe and often results in anxiety, depression and trauma that may be prolonged. May require treatment.Psychological stress is mild to moderate and may result in depression during/after pregnancy that may resolve without treatment.
RecoveryPostpartum recovery is prolonged, averaging 6 months to 2 years.Postpartum recovery is typical and usually takes a few months.