With a new year so close, we have been reflecting on the last year, our history, and our 2023 goals. The HER Foundation began as the first website on Hyperemesis Gravidarum in 2000, became a 501(c)3 nonprofit in 2002, and in 2022, we have volunteers across the globe, an active Board of Directors, dozens of educational resources, and 45+ published papers! Since 2000, we have helped over 2.2 million people find Help and Hope for HG. We are the global voice of HG.

2023 Goals
We will continue our support of families across the globe, continue our groundbreaking research, advocate to change policy to improve maternal and fetal outcomes, and launch an exciting new education program!
- Attend conferences to educate medical professionals
- Meet with policy leaders
- Partner with businesses and maternal health organizations
- Educate hundreds of thousands on social media
- Lead HG Awareness Month
- Prepare to host ICHG in 2024
Because of your support, HER has achieved many exciting firsts. In collaboration with the University of Southern California (USC), we continue the breakthroughs with publication of “Whole-exome sequencing uncovers new variants in GDF15 associated with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)” in BJOG. This study confirms our earlier GWAS finding that GDF15 is the greatest genetic risk factor for HG. The new variants identified may have implications for prediction and diagnosis, and the findings provide insight into the cause and molecular mechanisms for developing therapeutics for HG.
We look forward to spreading education, raising awareness, conducting research, and telling YOUR story! We will achieve our 2023 goals!
What is HG? HG is hyperemesis gravidarum: a potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease that causes chronic malnutrition, dehydration, and debility due to severe nausea and vomiting, and may cause long-term health issues for mom/baby.