2021 has been a busy year for HER research, and we’re finding answers to your questions about Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). We’ve had papers published and given presentations. We also have papers under review in scientific journals, abstracts being reviewed for presentation at ACOG, new studies being kicked-off, and we are continuing ongoing research projects.
- “HyperEmesis Level Prediction (HELP Score) Identifies Patients with Indicators of Severe Disease: a Validation Study”
Geburtsh Frauenheilk, 2021 (German & English) - “Neurodevelopmental delays and in utero exposure to hyperemesis gravidarum” (chapter in Diagnosis, Management and Modeling of Neurodevelopmental Disorders – The Neuroscience of Development)
- “Trends in cannabis use for hyperemesis gravidarum”
- “Whole-exome sequencing confirms GDF15 is the greatest genetic risk factor for hyperemesis gravidarum and identifies rare and novel variants in appetite genes GDF15 and GFRAL“
Under Review
- “Patterns of use and effectiveness of cannabis for hyperemesis gravidarum” (abstract)
- “Whole-exome sequencing uncovers new variants in GDF15 associated with hyperemesis gravidarum” (abstract)
- “Genetic predictors of ondansetron effectiveness and recurrence risk for hyperemesis gravidarum”
- “Association of GDF15-GFRAL-RET pathway with Hyperemesis Gravidarum confirmed by sequencing families”
New Studies
- GDF15 in patients hospitalized with HG
- Fetal GDF15 and recurrence risk
- Trends in HG treatment and outcomes by socioeconomic status
Ongoing Research
- Trends in cannabis use for HG
- Analysis of whole-exome sequencing data in 926 HG cases and 661 controls