The HER Foundation’s staff, clinicians and referral coordinator volunteer many hours each year to respond to thousands of emails, messages, and calls for help with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). This is core to our mission, and we want to share why we want to expand this service. Enjoy these heartwarming messages and stories.

Natalia in Colombia
Thank you, HER Foundation, for joining me in the worst and best experience of my life. On those gray days, I always remembered some words that Kimber said during a live “there is always light at the end of the tunnel,” and today I can say that Isaac is that light that illuminates my days. He is a healthy, happy, and perfect baby. I feel blessed because despite all the complications during my HG pregnancy, I met a group of wonderful people who were part of this process from education to emotional support in those days when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore and just wanted to die. Thanks for everything, HER. We carry you in our hearts always.

Nadia in Switzerland
The HER Foundation helped me through a very difficult pregnancy with twins and complications like prematurity and preeclampsia. They supported me and educated my doctor, so I made it to 34 weeks. I appreciate the work they do!

Mother in Malaysia
I appreciate your care and understanding! Your email cannot come at a better time. I have been sick from HG since week 4, and I know I have HG. The doctors do not seem to know the difference between and morning sickness, and despite my weight loss, I have been ignored, belittled, and denied treatments like medications and IVs. Thank you for your understanding.

Jessica in the United States
The HER Foundation made it possible for me to get through a very complicated pregnancy. Without the HER Foundation I would never have my two children, I will forever be indebted to Kimber and all the volunteers that make HG care knowledge available. I lost 17%, was malnourished, had a picc line, and early onset preeclampsia which led to premature birth. But my miracle girl is here.

U.M. in Tanzania
My family wanted me to have an abortion because I was so sick. I went from 75 kg to 49 kg. I felt no one understood my suffering except HER Foundation. I thank God HER helped me and my doctor with information and the algorithm because I’m now the happiest Mum ever with my 9 month old son.

Rachel in Ireland
At four months, we found on the HER Foundation treatment algorithm, and my doctor said I needed to try a new medication. Within 3 hours of the first dose I was eating and drinking. I wish I could personally hug everyone who put together HER’s life saving tools.
Vjose in Kosovo: I am forever grateful to HER Foundation and to Kimber in particular for offering me advice on how to treat HG. While I was abandoned and blamed for using medication, I got the right support and ended up with a ~70% better managed pregnancy compared to one before it. I will always be grateful to them. I wish I had the wealth of the world to support HER.
Father in India: We are very grateful to you that there is a community and volunteer who understands the severity of hyperemesis and We cannot thank you enough for your support. We want to be parents and will try again with family nearby to give my wife the support and help she needs during pregnancy to cope with extreme vomit/nausea.
Mother in South Africa: Firstly, thank you so much for the amazing work that you are doing on all platforms. Not only are you raising awareness, but you have brought so many women together to just be there for each other and give each other hope! I’ve had two HG pregnancies: one miscarriage and one termination because I wasn’t getting any care. Because of all the reading I’ve done on your website and Facebook pages, my husband and I are now ready to try once more.
Mother in New Zealand: I remember the first time I got an email from Kimber. I was 100 percent sure that I wanted to end my pregnancy and was about to call to schedule an abortion. Her email gave me hope, and I felt like I was heard for the first time in a long time. I changed my mind and about the abortion. I’m glad I did. My situation improved by 25 weeks. Forever grateful.
- Participate in HG research.
- Become an advocate.
- Make a gift to the HER Foundation.
- Share your story and support other HG moms.
- Become a HER Foundation volunteer.
- Blog about HG and show support for HER.
- Share resources with local health professionals and hospitals.
©2022 HER Foundation. All rights reserved.