When I imagined being pregnant, I thought it was going to be so great. Cute maternity clothes, an adorable baby bump, and a gorgeous glow. Maybe the occasional ache, pain, and a week or two of nausea! You know what they say, tell God your plans and He laughs!

By the time I was 7 weeks pregnant, I was admitted to the ER for IV fluids and antiemetic medication. I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in 3 days and was losing weight rapidly. My husband was on constant Danielle-duty: rubbing my back while I vomited at least 5 times an hour and peeling me off the cold bathroom floor trying to make me eat or drink while trying to keep up with a brand-new job. My mom finally made the executive decision to take me in.
At this point, I thought FOR SURE something would be wrong with the baby since I was so sick so fast. Our first scan revealed a perfect little bean nestled all cozy and warm, safe, and protected from the horrors!
The prescription meds helped for a couple of days, but I was back in the ER the next week, on Mother’s Day. They referred me to a specialty clinic at another hospital. I went there every day for a few weeks to receive constant fluids, meds, and vitamins. The staff was AMAZING. They made me feel so cared for and let me know that this condition is REAL, not just “morning sickness.”
Before discovering the HER Foundation, I felt alone and like something was wrong. After discovering a community and support, I knew I wasn’t alone. HER brings together HG sufferers and supports them.
~danielle, British Columbia
At about halfway through my pregnancy, I started feeling a bit better, but I was still on constant doses of medication. If I missed a dose, I’d be in bed again, back to the start for a little while. I felt a HUGE wave of relief at the 20-week scan to find our little girl was still as healthy as ever! I stayed stable the rest of the pregnancy but went into labor 6 weeks early. Luckily, she stayed put until 3 days before her due date and gave me an easy, non-complicated labor and delivery.
I’ve never been so happy in my life. All the trips to the doctor/hospital, blood draws, IV sites, medications, plain waffles, Gatorade, and swollen feet were over, and my daughter is healthy and thriving.

The moment my baby was placed on my chest was the best moment of my life. My girl is amazing and I love her, but there was also the relief of it all being over. Getting my life back (as much as one can with a newborn) and feeling like a human again was so amazing. I won’t have to spend all day throwing up until my esophagus is bleeding, and I won’t be distant from my friends and family. I still have nightmares about being sick, and I get anxious and scared at the thought of being pregnant again.

When people say they wait to have their next once they’ve forgotten the birth, I’m waiting until I’ve forgotten the HG. The birth was honestly the best part! I’m so happy to have my baby girl and as horrible as it was, I would do it over again for her.
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