Thank you for sharing in our mission for over 23 years! We have served over 2.5 million people across the globe over the years. During this uncertain time, the need for our services on very complex HG cases has grown exponentially, so your donations and purchases from our store mean even more to us!
We are expanding our global partnerships, offering advocacy and support for thousands of women, as well as many continuing many other educational and research projects in the US and abroad. This means more moms around the world will get better care in 2023 and beyond!
Want to help even more, host a fundraiser on Facebook to support HER (and no 3-4% processing fee!). Half of HER Foundation funding comes from these fundraisers! It doesn't cost you anything and takes only 2 minutes to set up!
We hope you enjoy seeing some of the children in our community share about HG. These precious little ones are why we work so hard at the HER Foundation. Watch our social media to see our exciting work this year!
With deep gratitude,
Kimber MacGibbon, RN
Executive Director/Co-Founder
& HER Board of Directors